
2 December 2014

DSGC presents Máxima with a report brimming with sustainable innovations

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC) has published a new report about sustainable innovation. The first copy, filled with a myriad of practical examples, was presented to Queen Máxima this afternoon. ‘Sustainable Innovation – Game-changing solutions to the world’s grand challenges’ is the third publication released by this Dutch coalition of sustainable companies since its formation early in 2012.
23 September 2014

The Netherlands as an international model in the field of sustainability

The Netherlands can generate international exposure for itself as an innovative country that promotes sustainable business practices. This is what Hans de Boer, President of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW, wrote today in a column about the UN Climate Summit in New York. At this summit, the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition, a coalition of eight CEOs of sustainable Dutch multinationals, will present a concrete approach to the worldwide climate change issue early this evening (Central European time) in the presence of Prime Minister Rutte.
10 July 2014

International CO2 emissions trading system required

The Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), in which VNO-NCW participates, calls on companies to reduce their CO2 emissions and use and source their raw materials sustainably. However, it would be only fair to support their efforts by setting up an international CO2 emissions trading system. This is the conclusion that was reached by the CEOs of eight Dutch multinational corporations of the DSGC on the eve of the new negotiations for a global climate agreement in 2015. 
28 January 2014

CEOs urge for a sustainability breakthrough

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, CEOs of Dutch multinational corporations, united in the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition (DSGC), called on the corporate sector, the private sector, and NGOs to collaborate in pursuit of a sustainable future. Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever and co-founder of the DSGC, argued that the year 2015, with its negotiations on both a new climate agreement and a new development agreement, presented ‘a unique opportunity to achieve a breakthrough together with the corporate sector. This is a great opportunity to put an end to poverty around the world within fifteen years in a sustainable manner.’
12 September 2013

‘Dutch multinationals regain their title as most sustainable in the world’

Large Dutch companies have managed to preserve their leading international position in the field of sustainability, as evidenced by the results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Index. VNO-NCW is particularly proud of Unilever, AkzoNobel, ING, and KLM-Air France. Not only did they win in their category, they were also listed as Industry Sector Leader.